By Diane M. Carr, Advisor Tackling barriers to data usability and interoperability is one priority for action in 2018 that almost everyone in healthcare can agree on. Providers, payers, consumers, IT professionals and vendors too often find ourselves in the paradoxical position of being data rich and information poor. While[…]
Predictions for 2018 – Our Future is Bright
Against my better judgment, I volunteered to author this blog. It’s that time of year when many predictions are published. Both professionals and philosophers alike are aware of the challenges of looking into the future. First the image below speaks volumes to the difficulty of doing so for those professionals[…]
Look for Durability, not Disruption, in HIT for 2018
By Diane M. Carr, Advisor The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology recently held its annual meeting in Washington DC. This is an opportunity for policy wonks, HIT geeks, healthcare providers and vendors to get together and get a sense of the national issues facing our industry[…]
Enterprise Analytics: A Journey more than a Destination.
By Rich Pollack, Advisor Our industry is slowly winding down from the frenetic pace of EMR implementations the past 10 years and now looks to derive the sophisticated insight needed to address a new climate of measured value in care. Institutions and leadership are turning their focus evermore on the[…]
Thank you for a great first year!
StarBridge Advisors was launched in October of 2016. So, what does a small team of entrepreneurs do on their first anniversary? They take stock and plan for year two. We have a several ways to measure our success at this point: • We have already assisted 12 healthcare provider organizations[…]
Patients First! Patience Always!
Soon after I began working as a CIO at Presbyterian Healthcare System (PHS) in Dallas in 1992 – 25 years ago – I asked the staff to hang a banner with those 4 words printed with a bold 12-inch font in the data center. It was placed strategically to ensure[…]
ONC – Now is not the time to relax certification
I have some concerns regarding the changes that the Office of National Coordinator for Health Information Technology has announced. The underlying reason for requiring a certification is to provide certainty to the purchaser of a product. ONC’s rationale for pursuing self-declaration was to lessen the burden on the vendor and[…]
Today’s Solutions, Tomorrow’s Leaders
Change is a given. And change at the top of organizations is more common than you expect. So what do you do when a key IT leadership position unexpectedly opens? Do you look internally at your strong second to step in as an interim and possibly take the permanent position?[…]
A Vote for Bipartisan Healthcare Reform
Believe it or not, many months ago, during the Presidential debates, I mentioned that almost nothing was being discussed regarding healthcare. Well things have certainly changed!! Now both sides of the political aisle are high and mighty about Obamacare–repeal, replace, fix, and on and on. Mostly rhetoric. Different than Obamacare,[…]
Radical Collaboration
Is collaboration important? Absolutely. Amazon obviously agrees. They reportedly are willing to pay $9 Billion to acquire Slack, a company who provides technologies that assist with collaboration. But just what is collaboration? It’s a lot more than technology. If you Google “collaboration”, the search returns more than half a billion[…]