By Kirk Mahlen, Advisor To quote from a popular Farmers Insurance ad: “We know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two”. The reality associated with unplanned / unexpected CIO turnover is that, while there may be themes, the number of possible scenarios is infinite and I[…]
No More Excuses: It’s time to invest in yourself
I was fortunate to work with an excellent executive coach several years ago. He helped me gain new insight into who I am and how I lead. I am a much better leader as a result of our year-long work together. I periodically reconnect with him now to bounce around[…]
8 Tips for Telehealth Success
Telehealth or connected health as some call it, takes different forms depending on the provider organization and their strategy. The primary driver may be extending geographic reach by providing services to rural areas. Or it may be largely a focus on consumer engagement. Regardless, there are common themes for successful[…]
Selective Sourcing vs Complete Outsourcing in HIT
by Rich Pollack, Advisor Unlike many other industries, complete IT outsourcing in healthcare provider organizations is a fairly rare bird. There are reasons for this, technical, financial and cultural. On the other hand, selectively outsourcing defined and limited subcomponents of a healthcare IT department can be both a successful and[…]
Everyone Must Participate in Making Healthcare Secure!
I just returned from the CHIME and HIMSS events in Las Vegas. I’m recovering from the overstimulation both inside and outside the events. It’s always a treat to see old friends, make some new friends, and enjoy the smorgasbord of education and vendors. If chaos precedes innovation, then I’m happy[…]
The C-Double I-O
by Avery Cloud, Advisor Chief Innovation Information Officer—as far as I know, the title doesn’t exist, but maybe it should. Can the traditional Chief Information Officer also serve as the organization’s Innovation leader? To answer that question it is helpful to know the definition, purpose, and place of innovation in[…]
Look for Durability, Not Disruption, in HIT in 2018: Part 3
By Diane M. Carr, M.A., FHIMSS, Advisor As the health and information technology industries prepare to convene at the annual HIMSS conference in Las Vegas, the “interoperability experience” will be top of mind for many participants. Tens of thousands of individuals and companies who collect, access, analyze and exchange data[…]
#HIMSS18 – Are you ready?
It’s the final frenzied weeks before HIMSS 2018 – this year’s theme is “Where the World Connects for Health”. If you are like me, you are finally starting to figure out your schedule, carefully prioritizing knowing it’s way too big to cover everything, and identifying who you want to meet[…]
Look for Durability not Disruption in 2018: Part 2
By Diane M. Carr, Advisor Tackling barriers to data usability and interoperability is one priority for action in 2018 that almost everyone in healthcare can agree on. Providers, payers, consumers, IT professionals and vendors too often find ourselves in the paradoxical position of being data rich and information poor. While[…]
Predictions for 2018 – Our Future is Bright
Against my better judgment, I volunteered to author this blog. It’s that time of year when many predictions are published. Both professionals and philosophers alike are aware of the challenges of looking into the future. First the image below speaks volumes to the difficulty of doing so for those professionals[…]