Just reading through the headlines of the articles delivered to me daily causes empathetic stress. Poor bottom line performance and staffing have become acute problems. So, what should be done immediately? This first of three blogs addresses some actions you can take immediately – that is, now. The second will[…]
Data Transformation Model – Deliberate Approach to Achieve Widespread Data Utility
At the 2017 national HIMSS conference, Ginni Rometty, then Chairman, President, and CEO Of IBM repeated a message that she delivered more than 4 years earlier to the Council on Foreign Relations. She said, “Data is the new natural resource and like all other natural resources, it must be refined[…]
Changing The Way We Work – Leveraging IT for Transformation
Rapid changes in the ever-evolving healthcare sector present great opportunities for forward-thinking IT leaders. The pace of health care and technology change requires a different way of working to successfully implement technology-supporting care transformation across the care continuum. Technology is foundational to the success of all business growth. With population[…]
12 Steps to Prepare for 2023 – Big Challenges – Bigger Opportunities
Over the last 3 years, remaining optimistic has been a challenge for many of us. Optimism has served me well throughout life, but it’s not sufficient to deal with some of the stark realities we face. Perhaps the greatest challenge today is with our workforce. All industries are impacted by[…]
Speaking Truth to Power
The concept of “speaking truth to power” likely originated as grunts, growls, and other utterances long ago before the development of speech. Regardless of the form it takes, speaking truth to power -whether they are parents, partners, persons above you in your organization, peers, personnel, patients, or providers – should[…]
AI and AI – Use Them Responsibly
Controversy swirls around the use of the term AI which, like so many other popular terms, does not have a universally accepted definition. A Google search for “healthcare AI” yields 163 million results. Even users of AI have different views on what the “A” in AI means – artificial intelligence[…]
Ring Theory – A Framework for Helping Others
Scouting provides some great life lessons. You learn simple but important life lessons as part of Girl and Boy Scout traditions and training. “Do a good turn daily.” As a young scout, I took an oath, “On my honor… I will do my best to do my duty… To help[…]
Polite Provocateur with a Purpose
My business card displays “Principal” as my title, which is accurate from a formal perspective. I’d prefer, however, to use Provocateur but dare not because the term has too many pejorative synonyms. Sadly, the explanation of what I mean by that just won’t fit on such a small form factor.[…]
Health Literacy for Health Equity – Both Should Be Essential Elements of Every Provider’s Mission
What if I told you that I have access to a wonder drug that could reduce hospitalizations by 32%, eliminate 14% of visits to the emergency room, lower overall healthcare costs by 11%, and more surprisingly, do so without any observable side effects? Those results are not associated with a[…]
Dealing with Burnout
Understandably, we hear the word burnout used more and more frequently. Increasing workplace pressure to be more productive, COVID which included death and confinement in home, masks, political divisiveness, the war in Ukraine, inflation, and the lack of available talent to fill jobs at every level are contributing to an[…]