
From Overhead to Opportunity: Digitally Enabled Transformation

This is the third blog in a series of four aimed at transformation and change management – at the individual and organizational levels.  The first blog addressed now and near-term expense management; the second blog outlined eleven IT-enabled revenue generation strategies beginning now and extending into the future.  The aim[…]

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From Overhead to Opportunity: 11 IT-Enabled Revenue Enhancement Strategies

This is the second blog in a series of three aimed at improving the financial well-being of healthcare provider organizations. In this blog, we will focus on IT-enabled revenue generation strategies, while the first blog addresses expense management. These revenue enhancement actions may take some time to yield results, with[…]

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From Overhead to Opportunity: Immediate IT Expense Reduction Strategies

Just reading through the headlines of the articles delivered to me daily causes empathetic stress.  Poor bottom line performance and staffing have become acute problems.  So, what should be done immediately?  This first of three blogs addresses some actions you can take immediately – that is, now.  The second will[…]

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Changing The Way We Work – Leveraging IT for Transformation

Rapid changes in the ever-evolving healthcare sector present great opportunities for forward-thinking IT leaders.  The pace of health care and technology change requires a different way of working to successfully implement technology-supporting care transformation across the care continuum. Technology is foundational to the success of all business growth. With population[…]

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Speaking Truth to Power

The concept of “speaking truth to power” likely originated as grunts, growls, and other utterances long ago before the development of speech.  Regardless of the form it takes, speaking truth to power -whether they are parents, partners, persons above you in your organization, peers, personnel, patients, or providers – should[…]

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