View from the Bridge

NHIT Week: 4 Leaders on the Value of HIT

September 23-27 is National Health IT (NHIT) Week. A time when our industry highlights the impact of IT in transforming healthcare and advocates for needed changes. This year’s asks revolve around population health, modernizing the public health infrastructure, access to broadband and telehealth, and Social Determinants of Health. In recognition[…]

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When an interim CIO makes sense

The demand for interim management in IT is high and takes many forms. When there is an unexpected vacancy in a senior IT leadership position and no obvious interim person to step up, the executive team must act quickly. They often start with their trusted network or turn to a firm that specializes in interim management[…]

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NHIT Week: 6 Leaders on the Value of HIT

October 8-12 is National Health IT Week. A time when our industry highlights the impact of IT in transforming healthcare and advocates for needed changes. This year’s asks revolve around the opioid crisis, prescription drug monitoring, telehealth and integrated data structures. In recognition of NHIT Week, I asked several of[…]

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No More Excuses: It’s time to invest in yourself

I was fortunate to work with an excellent executive coach several years ago. He helped me gain new insight into who I am and how I lead. I am a much better leader as a result of our year-long work together.  I periodically reconnect with him now to bounce around[…]

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8 Tips for Telehealth Success

Telehealth or connected health as some call it, takes different forms depending on the provider organization and their strategy. The primary driver may be extending geographic reach by providing services to rural areas. Or it may be largely a focus on consumer engagement. Regardless, there are common themes for successful[…]

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#HIMSS18 – Are you ready?

It’s the final frenzied weeks before HIMSS 2018 – this year’s theme is “Where the World Connects for Health”. If you are like me, you are finally starting to figure out your schedule, carefully prioritizing knowing it’s way too big to cover everything, and identifying who you want to meet[…]

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Thank you for a great first year!

StarBridge Advisors was launched in October of 2016. So, what does a small team of entrepreneurs do on their first anniversary? They take stock and plan for year two. We have a several ways to measure our success at this point: • We have already assisted 12 healthcare provider organizations[…]

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