View from the Bridge

IT Is Reaching Commodity Status – Are You Taking Advantage?

Though my business card says Principal, I’d prefer the term Provocateur. As a year-long challenge to traditional thinking, I have proposed the notion to professional friends and colleagues that many skills, processes, and technology in the healthcare sector have reached commodity status. That change presents great potential benefits for the[…]

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Meaningful Communication – 10 Lessons from Life

It ’s not just words, grammar, language, and the medium that are critical to communicating important messages – it’s the process.  Every aspect of our being involves communications.  Our ability to communicate effectively creates connections that establish trust which builds a bond with benefits for all participants.  Not always a[…]

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Everyone Must Participate in Making Healthcare Secure!

I just returned from the CHIME and HIMSS events in Las Vegas. I’m recovering from the overstimulation both inside and outside the events. It’s always a treat to see old friends, make some new friends, and enjoy the smorgasbord of education and vendors. If chaos precedes innovation, then I’m happy[…]

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Predictions for 2018 – Our Future is Bright

Against my better judgment, I volunteered to author this blog. It’s that time of year when many predictions are published. Both professionals and philosophers alike are aware of the challenges of looking into the future. First the image below speaks volumes to the difficulty of doing so for those professionals[…]

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Patients First! Patience Always!

Soon after I began working as a CIO at Presbyterian Healthcare System (PHS) in Dallas in 1992 – 25 years ago – I asked the staff to hang a banner with those 4 words printed with a bold 12-inch font in the data center. It was placed strategically to ensure[…]

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