
Time to Elevate ROI to VOI

For all those CFOs, CIOs and CDOs out there, the time has come to reassess your approach to evaluating investments, particularly those in HIT (healthcare information technology).  Reports on how to respond to COVID’s dramatic financial impact on every sector including healthcare starts with and often focuses on a review[…]

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10 Steps to Prepare for 2020 – Big Challenges – Bigger Opportunities

It’s that time of year again when prognosticators and futurists compile a top 10 list for the upcoming year. Please joining me in welcoming 2020 with a call to action for our wonderfully challenging and opportunity rich healthcare IT environment. Before starting the list of recommended actions, I suggest that[…]

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Changes in the C- Suite

As seismic shifts in Healthcare continue to accelerate, and disruption becomes more the status quo, health systems are creating new C-Suite roles, demanding new capabilities in existing roles, and seeking new non-industry talent to fill those roles. Creating New C-Suite Roles is one way that organizations are assigning focus and[…]

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IT Is Reaching Commodity Status – Are You Taking Advantage?

Though my business card says Principal, I’d prefer the term Provocateur. As a year-long challenge to traditional thinking, I have proposed the notion to professional friends and colleagues that many skills, processes, and technology in the healthcare sector have reached commodity status. That change presents great potential benefits for the[…]

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ONC – Now is not the time to relax certification

I have some concerns regarding the changes that the Office of National Coordinator for Health Information Technology has announced. The underlying reason for requiring a certification is to provide certainty to the purchaser of a product. ONC’s rationale for pursuing self-declaration was to lessen the burden on the vendor and[…]

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