View from the Bridge

Trust for High Performance Teams

By John Norenberg, Advisor Recently, while working with a couple of healthcare organizations, my thoughts again turned to the elusive topic of trust. Why elusive?  Well, given the sheer volume of literature on how important trust is to a working environment, and although it is not recognized as such, it[…]

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Selective Sourcing vs Complete Outsourcing in HIT

by Rich Pollack, Advisor Unlike many other industries, complete IT outsourcing in healthcare provider organizations is a fairly rare bird. There are reasons for this, technical, financial and cultural. On the other hand, selectively outsourcing defined and limited subcomponents of a healthcare IT department can be both a successful and[…]

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The C-Double I-O

by Avery Cloud, Advisor Chief Innovation Information Officer—as far as I know, the title doesn’t exist, but maybe it should. Can the traditional Chief Information Officer also serve as the organization’s Innovation leader? To answer that question it is helpful to know the definition, purpose, and place of innovation in[…]

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