View from the Bridge

ONC – Now is not the time to relax certification

I have some concerns regarding the changes that the Office of National Coordinator for Health Information Technology has announced. The underlying reason for requiring a certification is to provide certainty to the purchaser of a product. ONC’s rationale for pursuing self-declaration was to lessen the burden on the vendor and[…]

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Radical Collaboration

Is collaboration important?  Absolutely.  Amazon obviously agrees.  They reportedly are willing to pay $9 Billion to acquire Slack, a company who provides technologies that assist with collaboration.  But just what is collaboration?  It’s a lot more than technology. If you Google “collaboration”, the search returns more than half a billion[…]

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Interoperability – Make it so.

When Jean Luc Picard, Captain of the Starship Enterprise of Star Trek fame, had gathered his facts and made a decision, he uttered the phrase, “Make it so.” After a career spent working intermittently but consistently on interoperability, I’m thrilled that a confluence of factors make nationwide interoperability a reality.[…]

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